Saturday 1 June 2013


...on mosquitoes

Mosquitoes like me. They haven't always done, but in the last 10 years the little bastards, for some reason, think that my blood is tastier than most. I've often put this down to my vegetarianism - mosquitoes are thought to seek out victims lacking in b12, something a lot of vegetarians are deficient in. But, the more research I do, it would seem I'm not actually the most ideal candidate for the blighters, thus making their attraction to me even more frustrating. This is also excacerbated by the fact that I'm allergic to the bites, which I find doubly unfair. Mmm, welts on the legs are so attractive...

Although the jury is still out on why some people are more susceptible to mosquito bites than others, there is an overall general consensus regarding the below. All of which I contradict.

Mosquitoes prefer O blood types. I am A positive.

Mosquitoes prefer blood deficient in B 1 and 12. I take super mega B complex every day. Sometimes twice a day.

Mosquitoes are attracted to those who release more carbon dioxide and lactic acid. Something which occurs after exercise. Lets face it, I am probably the most sedentary person I know. Release of the above should be at a minimum.

Mosquitoes are attracted to pregnant women. Last time I checked I was not pregnant.

Mosquitoes love perfumed individuals. Although I like to think I smell nice most of the time, I don't wear or carry perfume when travelling.

I can thus only conclude that I must be one of the unlucky 1 in 10 individuals whose blood emits an aroma or chemical that mosquitoes find irresistible. My only option is to stop washing and honk for the rest our trip. Sorry Ais...

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